Free website and domain report on 103.by
Last Updated: 7th April, 2020 Update Now
Snoop Summary for 103.by
This is a free and comprehensive report about 103.by. 103.by is expected to earn an estimated $130 USD per day from advertising revenue. The sale of 103.by would possibly be worth $95,234 USD. This figure is based on the daily revenue potential of the website over a 24 month period. 103.by receives an estimated 30,846 unique visitors every day - a massive amount of traffic! This report was last updated 7th April, 2020.
About 103.by
Site Preview: | |
Title: | Портал о здоровье и красоте 103.by - поиск лекарств и товаров, медицинские центры и услуги, медтуризм, салоны красоты, фитнес и спорт |
Description: | Медицинский портал 103.by - каталог стоматологий, медицинских центров, поликлиник и больниц с телефонами, адресами, графиком работы. |
Keywords and Tags: | медея гомель, рыбий жир купить минск, флуконазол, фурадонин, элеутерококк настойка применение |
Related Terms: | 103 arten ave, 103.5, 103.7 fm, 103.9 fm, canon service mode tool version 5.103, khlv 103 5 p, kost 103.5, liz 103, proud fm 103.9, psalm 103 |
Fav Icon: | |
Age: | Over 16 years old |
Domain Created: | 15th May, 2008 |
Domain Updated: | 2nd July, 2020 |
Domain Expires: | 31st March, 2021 |
Snoop Score
3/5 (Great!)
$95,234 USD
Note: All valuation figures are estimates.
Note: Popularity is estimated.
Rank, Reach and Authority
Alexa Rank: | 25,296 |
Alexa Reach: | 0.0031% |
SEMrush Rank (US): | 110,445 |
SEMrush Authority Score: | 69 |
Moz Domain Authority: | |
Moz Page Authority: |
Rank By Country
Country | Alexa Rank |
Azerbaijan | 6,996 |
Belarus | 53 |
Kazakstan | 2,469 |
Netherlands | 2,630 |
Russian Federation | 6,309 |
Ukraine | 6,267 |
Uzbekistan | 1,629 |
Organic vs Paid (Google Ads)
Organic | Paid | |
Keywords: | 15,870 | 0 |
Traffic: | 15,818 | 0 |
Cost: | $37 USD | $0 USD |
Daily Visitors: | 30,846 |
Monthly Visitors: | 938,852 |
Yearly Visitors: | 11,258,751 |
Note: All visitors figures are estimates.
Visitors By Country
Country | Visitors (Unique) | Percentage |
Azerbaijan | Daily: 895 Monthly: 27,227 Yearly: 326,504 | 2.9% |
Belarus | Daily: 16,749 Monthly: 509,797 Yearly: 6,113,502 | 54.3% |
Kazakstan | Daily: 987 Monthly: 30,043 Yearly: 360,280 | 3.2% |
Netherlands | Daily: 2,283 Monthly: 69,475 Yearly: 833,148 | 7.4% |
Other | Daily: 3,455 Monthly: 105,151 Yearly: 1,260,980 | 11.2% |
Russian Federation | Daily: 4,966 Monthly: 151,155 Yearly: 1,812,659 | 16.1% |
Ukraine | Daily: 740 Monthly: 22,532 Yearly: 270,210 | 2.4% |
Uzbekistan | Daily: 771 Monthly: 23,471 Yearly: 281,469 | 2.5% |
Note: All visitors figures are estimates.
Daily Revenue: | $130 USD |
Monthly Revenue: | $3,970 USD |
Yearly Revenue: | $47,612 USD |
Note: All revenue figures are estimates.
Revenue By Country
Country | Revenue | Percentage |
Azerbaijan | Daily: $1 USD Monthly: $39 USD Yearly: $469 USD | 1% |
Belarus | Daily: $3 USD Monthly: $93 USD Yearly: $1,121 USD | 2.4% |
Kazakstan | Daily: $1 USD Monthly: $21 USD Yearly: $257 USD | 0.5% |
Netherlands | Daily: $83 USD Monthly: $2,522 USD Yearly: $30,245 USD | 63.5% |
Other | Daily: $0 USD Monthly: $0 USD Yearly: $0 USD | <0.1% |
Russian Federation | Daily: $39 USD Monthly: $1,180 USD Yearly: $14,148 USD | 29.7% |
Ukraine | Daily: $3 USD Monthly: $76 USD Yearly: $916 USD | 1.9% |
Uzbekistan | Daily: $1 USD Monthly: $38 USD Yearly: $457 USD | 1% |
Note: All revenue figures are estimates.
Backlinks Analysis (SEMrush)
Backlinks: | 250,650 |
Referring Domains: | 1,711 |
Referring IPs: | 1,106 |
103.by has 250,650 backlinks according to SEMrush. 69% of these backlinks are "dofollow" (follow) links which allow the flow of link equity to pass through, which may improve 103.by's search engine rankings. Other links are treated as 'hints' by search engines and may also pass link equity, depending on what search engines decide in each case.
100% of 103.by's backlinks are text and image links, which are ideal for SEO. Other backlink types may be unrecognized or ignored by search engines.
Top New Follow Links
Source: https://aneducationalemporium.info/neom/tags/16139-051-691/
Target: https://ms1.103.by/images/77452d325e6df5d19b75e634cde0f9f6/thumb/point=middle-center,w=182,h=182,q=80/place_gallery_photo/93/56/e0/9356e051eb691b4d68d961c796090a79.jpg
Source: https://mk-8.ru/analgin-detyam-instruktsiya-po-primeneniyu-pokazaniya-sostav-dozirovka-pobochnye-effekty-i-analogi
Target: https://apteka.103.by/analgin-belmed-instruktsiya
Source: https://mk-8.ru/venter-venter
Target: https://apteka.103.by/venter-instruktsiya
Source: https://mk-8.ru/furatsilin-gruppa-furatsilin-opisanie-preparata-pokazaniya-protivopokazaniya-k-primeneniyu-poleznoe-video-gotovim-rastvor-furatsilina
Target: https://apteka.103.by/furatcilin-tab-instruktsiya
Source: https://mk-8.ru/paratsetamol-vzaimodejstvie-s-drugimi-preparatami
Target: https://apteka.103.by/paracetamol-tabletki-instruktsiya
Top Ranking Keywords (US)
Keyword: рыбий жир купить минск
Ranked Page: https://apteka.103.by/rybiy-zhir/minsk/
Keyword: фурадонин
Ranked Page: https://apteka.103.by/furadonin-instruktsiya/
Keyword: медея гомель
Ranked Page: https://medeya.103.by/
Keyword: флуконазол
Ranked Page: https://apteka.103.by/flukonazol-instruktsiya/
Keyword: элеутерококк настойка применение
Ranked Page: https://apteka.103.by/eleuterokokk-instruktsiya/
Domain Analysis
Value | Length | |
Domain: | 103.by | 6 |
Domain Name: | 103 | 3 |
Extension (TLD): | by | 2 |
Expiry Check: | |
Page Speed Analysis
Average Load Time: | 1.68 seconds |
Load Time Comparison: | Faster than 51% of sites |
PageSpeed Insights
Server Location
Server IP Address: | |
Continent: | |
Country: | |
Region: | |
City: | |
Longitude: | |
Latitude: | |
Currencies: | |
Languages: |
Web Hosting Provider
Domain Registrant
Private Registration: | No |
Name: | |
Organization: |
Country: | |
City: | |
State: | |
Post Code: | |
Email: | |
Phone: |
Note: Registration information is derived from various sources and may be inaccurate.
Domain Registrar
Visitor Safety
Mature Content: | Not Likely |
McAfee WebAdvisor Rating: | |
WOT Rating: | |
WOT Trustworthiness: | |
WOT Child Safety: |
Note: Safety information is not guaranteed.
SSL/TLS Certificate
Issued To: | *.103.by |
Issued By: | Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA |
Valid From: | 11th February, 2019 |
Valid To: | 11th February, 2021 |
Subject: | CN = *.103.by |
Hash: | 05e4b44e |
Issuer: | CN = Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA O = Sectigo Limited S = GB |
Version: | 2 |
Serial Number: | 9574943961912319950454373671890850118 |
Serial Number (Hex): | 0734112F61378BE7A2DA57C04AD01146 |
Valid From: | 11th February, 2024 |
Valid To: | 11th February, 2024 |
Signature Algorithm (Short Name): | RSA-SHA256 |
Signature Algorithm (Long Name): | sha256WithRSAEncryption |
Authority Key Identifier: | keyid:8D:8C:5E:C4:54:AD:8A:E1:77:E9:9B:F9:9B:05:E1:B8:01:8D:61:E1 |
Extended Key Usage: | TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication |
Certificate Policies: | Policy: CPS: https://sectigo.com/CPS Policy: |
Authority Information Access: | CA Issuers - URI:http://crt.sectigo.com/SectigoRSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt OCSP - URI:http://ocsp.sectigo.com |
SCT List: | Signed Certificate Timestamp: Version : v1 (0x0) Log ID : BB:D9:DF:BC:1F:8A:71:B5:93:94:23:97:AA:92:7B:47: 38:57:95:0A:AB:52:E8:1A:90:96:64:36:8E:1E:D1:85 Timestamp : Feb 11 10:59:12.743 2019 GMT Extensions: none Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:46:02:21:00:B0:D1:65:52:B9:7C:E1:EF:2A:F6:26: A8:41:D9:7B:AC:48:F4:BA:8D:AF:18:EF:F3:4E:3A:93: 71:7E:03:22:D4:02:21:00:82:CE:35:BF:3E:31:1B:04: 92:3B:32:FF:33:B3:C0:96:2D:98:B3:84:24:41:90:E1: 25:3D:F3:CD:EF:E8:02:74 Signed Certificate Timestamp: Version : v1 (0x0) Log ID : 44:94:65:2E:B0:EE:CE:AF:C4:40:07:D8:A8:FE:28:C0: DA:E6:82:BE:D8:CB:31:B5:3F:D3:33:96:B5:B6:81:A8 Timestamp : Feb 11 10:59:12.782 2019 GMT Extensions: none Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:45:02:21:00:A7:77:C3:1C:17:9D:A1:1D:20:C0:40: 59:09:2B:AB:08:90:59:61:B0:EE:05:79:62:7F:7B:7D: 30:71:EC:F8:75:02:20:79:87:C1:08:0B:65:2D:D2:F5: 82:EF:3D:2E:34:16:33:5B:40:05:DA:5C:4A:90:5C:B8: B0:32:71:B5:C6:ED:7E Signed Certificate Timestamp: Version : v1 (0x0) Log ID : 5C:DC:43:92:FE:E6:AB:45:44:B1:5E:9A:D4:56:E6:10: 37:FB:D5:FA:47:DC:A1:73:94:B2:5E:E6:F6:C7:0E:CA Timestamp : Feb 11 10:59:12.820 2019 GMT Extensions: none Signature : ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:45:02:21:00:89:19:E7:BE:31:B7:38:24:62:1E:0A: 8C:2D:95:E2:14:93:5E:FF:F3:C5:87:25:61:7F:BB:DC: 91:94:7D:1D:12:02:20:50:B9:D7:07:D4:66:93:F5:63: C7:42:74:D7:25:FA:80:FF:87:7F:14:F6:DE:03:85:86: 62:8B:E1:59:E4:C4:D3 |
Key Usage: | Digital Signature, Key Encipherment |
Basic Constraints: | CA:FALSE |
Subject Alternative Name: | DNS:103.by DNS:*.103.by |
DNS Lookup
A Records
Host | IP Address | Class | TTL |
103.by. | | IN | 359 |
NS Records
Host | Nameserver | Class | TTL |
103.by. | ns1.activeby.net. | IN | 3599 |
103.by. | ns2.activeby.net. | IN | 3599 |
103.by. | ns3.activeby.net. | IN | 3599 |
MX Records
Priority | Host | Server | Class | TTL |
30 | 103.by. | alt2.aspmx.l.google.com. | IN | 3599 |
30 | 103.by. | alt1.aspmx.l.google.com. | IN | 3599 |
20 | 103.by. | aspmx.l.google.com. | IN | 3599 |
40 | 103.by. | aspmx2.googlemail.com. | IN | 3599 |
40 | 103.by. | aspmx3.googlemail.com. | IN | 3599 |
40 | 103.by. | aspmx4.googlemail.com. | IN | 3599 |
40 | 103.by. | aspmx5.googlemail.com. | IN | 3599 |
SOA Records
Domain Name | Primary NS | Responsible Email | TTL |
103.by. | ns1.activeby.net. | dns-admin.103.by. | 3599 |
TXT Records
Host | Value | Class | TTL |
103.by. | v=spf1 | IN | 3599 |
103.by. | google-site-verification=EPWbmMi4FGFz82twk_SLESeIfvcvMYpajDKe7WBP1kc | IN | 3599 |
HTTP Response Headers
HTTP-Code: | HTTP/1.1 200 OK |
Server: | openresty |
Date: | 7th April, 2020 |
Content-Type: | text/html; charset=utf-8 |
Expires: | 8th April, 2019 |
Cache-Control: | no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0 |
Content-Length: | 387270 |
Connection: | keep-alive |
X-Powered-By: | Express |
ETag: | W/"5e8c6-DXigMgPD5aP9s0nb8Acd9Ulus+E" |
Pragma: | no-cache |
Whois Lookup
Created: | 15th May, 2008 |
Changed: | 2nd July, 2020 |
Expires: | 31st March, 2021 |
Registrar: | Active Technologies LLC |
Status: |
Nameservers: | ns1.activeby.net ns2.activeby.net ns3.activeby.net |
Full Whois: | Domain Name: 103.by Registrar: Active Technologies LLC Org: ООО Артокс Лаб Country: BY Address: 220022, Минская область, Минск, Толбухина, 2, 16 Registration or other identification number: 191700409 Phone: +375172150020 Email: HIDDEN! Details are available at http://www.cctld.by/whois/ Name Server: ns1.activeby.net Name Server: ns2.activeby.net Name Server: ns3.activeby.net Updated Date: 2020-02-07 Creation Date: 2008-05-15 Expiration Date: 2021-03-31 ------------------------------------------- Service provided by Reliable Software, Ltd. |
Name | IP Address |
ns1.activeby.net | |
ns2.activeby.net | |
ns3.activeby.net | |
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